Tuesday, May 6, 2008

On the "Oppresion" of Robert Latimer

Some supporters of Robert Latimer have argued that he is oppressed like the daughter he lynched. I have already pointed out that Mr. Latimer is white, male and heterosexual, non of which are oppressed. I should probably point out that Robert Latimer is a farmer. Apparently, the average farmer in Canada has one million dollars in assets putting them on the upper stratum of the petty-bourgeoisie. This would mean that Robert Latimer is most likely a Kulak.

Also, there have been supporters of Robert Latimer who have argued that the fact that alot of Robert Latimer's supporters are white guys with shaved heads doens't mean anything. First of all, there have been cadre in your Trotskyist League that have said that if a white guy with a shaved head approached them at your rally that they would expect a physical confrontation. Also, the supporters of Robert Latimer would make remarks like "Tracy Latimer was dead the day she was born". These remarks are not unlike Hitler's justification for killing the disabled in the gas chambers during the "Final Solution". Hitler described the disabled as "life unworthy of life" or "lives not worth living". Hitler also referred to these killings as "mercy killings". Robert Latimer too used this term to describe his murder of his daughter. So, both the Free Robert Latimer Movement and the Nazis consider disabled "lives not worth living", both describe the murder of the disabled as "mercy killings", both are mostly white people with shaved heads and most importantly both considered it acceptable to murder the disabled. In fact, disabled people were only the first victims of the Holocaust.

And with all due respects I don't think the Internationalist Communist League (Fourth Internationalist) and its sections, including the Spartacist League (US) and the Trotskyist League of Canada, adequately champions the rights of the disabled. The party doesn't recruit and also expels people for having mental illnesses and disabilities. The party uses remarks like "senile", "demented", "nuts", "psychotic" and "schizophrenic" as insults. I have not come across a single article by the party devoted to the rights of the disabled. And now there are people in your party who support Robert Latimer who lynched is disabled daughter. I don't like pointing the finger but I really think the party really needs to change its attitude towards the disabled.


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