Thursday, April 17, 2008

On whether Robert Latimer is oppressed

From what I understand, Robert Latimer owned a farm which would make him a peasant (petty-bourgeois) since he owned land he would not be a landless peasant but either the middle or upper stratum of the peasantry (I don't know how much land he owned). I think the petty-bourgeoisie could be considered oppressed. I think landless peasants would be the most oppressed peasants. He is white (not oppressed), he is male (not oppressed), from what I understand he is heterosexual (not oppressed). I am not aware of him being of a minority of any stripe.

In terms of Latimer killing his daughter, I don't think Latimer is oppressed. I earlier compared the killing of Tracy Latimer to "honour killing". "Honour killing" from what I understand has taken place in the Muslim community and I think the Sikh community. On the one hand, Muslims and Sikhs are the victims of oppression but then again so are women, the victims of "honour killings". The fact that Muslims and Sikhs are oppressed, which they clearly are, doesn't mean that "honour killings" aren't barbaric.

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