Dear Spartacist Canada/Workers' Vanguard/PDC,
The bourgeois press for the most part has been favouring Robert Latimer against the disabled in the case of him lynching his disabled daughter. This has had a bandwagon effect on the majority of society. The majority of Canadian bourgeois society favours Robert Latimer. And like I have said before "mercy killing" which Robert Latimer calls his actions has been proven by history to be a rallying cry for fascist terror and genocide against the oppressed. Hitler described the killing of people in the concentration camps during the 'Final Solution' as "mercy killings". Eugenecists used the term to describe the involuntary "euthanizing" of the disabled as well as other oppressed people.
I believe the bourgeois press's support could be paving the way possibly for a witchhunt against the disabled. Often, from what I understand, the bourgeois press will be sure to whipped up hysteria when preparing for a witchhunt, bolstering the state, going to war etc. The bourgeois press whipped hysteria about "Satanic Ritual Abuse" to whip up the anti-sex hysteria, the third great witchhunt. The bourgeois press whipped up hysteria about "weapons of mass destruction" before going to war with Iraq. The bourgeois press whipped up hysteria about "terrorism" before curtailing civil liberties. The beorgeois press today is whipping up hysteria today to pave the way for possible wars on China, North Korea and Iran. I think too the beorgeois press is whipping up bigotry towards the disabled and sympathy for Robert Latimer possibly to pave the way for genocide or witchhunt or the like against the disabled.
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