Friday, September 18, 2009

Robert Latimer: Fiddling and Fudging While Nazis make his Case

It has been over a year since it was revealed that their are outright fascists (Neo-Nazis) rallying around Robert Latimer. I think a question on some people's minds is what is Robert Latimer's response. Well, apparently Latimer hasn't raised one finger against them. He has never stated categorically that these groups don't represent him. A fellow disability rights activists said it quite well:

"Michael, you're right that Robert Latimer is probably not a neo-Nazi. But Latimer sat back and allowed White Supremacists, neo-Nazis and other far-Right extremists to plead his case for him. I know that, were I in prison for reasons that I felt were unjust, I would sit in prison UNTIL I DIED rather than let the forces of darkness, death and evil speak for me. The fact that Latimer never disavowed his far-Right supporters is a fairly damning indictment of his political leanings."

Robert Latimer's attidude toward the fascists is a complete contrast to his attitude towards disability rights activists and others who oppose him. He describes disabiltiy rights activists as "abusive". He said before his first trial that "anyone who supports the charges against me is a torture-monger". He describes all those who criticize him as "slanderers". Yet he can't eek out a single word of criticism of the fascists who support him.

There is a site called which claims that it can get a person in touch with Robert Latimer himself. Yet this site manages to avoid making a singles criticism of the fascists who support Robert Latimer. Apparently the person running this site is an individual named Ivan Bjornholt. This individual along with several others are running a facebook group called Free Robert Latimer! An individual at one point a person posted that their are neo-nazis supporting Latimer. Rather than denounce the fascists who support Latimer and state categorically that these groups don't represent Latimer the people running the site censor and slander this individual. And I checked a while later on and still not a word disavowing the fascists who support Latimer. Really, what gives?
Trotskyist Greetings,